We run several activities that help people develop their confidence and skills with money. They offer one to one and group sessions. They are grouped together under the Potteries MoneyWise name.
Potteries MoneyWise is a Big Lottery Funded project aimed primarily at social housing residents (council and housing association tenants) you can find out more about their activities on their website
If you have problems managing your energy bills or would like help switching contact us for more information on how we can help. We offer help and advice through the Energy Best Deal initiatives run by many Local Citizens Advice services around the country. These sessions, which can be for groups or one to one, aim to help people get the best deal on their fuel supplies. Contact us if you would like advice and information on getting a better deal on your energy.
Call 01782408685 or email pmw@casns.org.uk
We are pleased to announce that Citizens Advice Walsall, Sandwell and Staffordshire North &Stoke on Trent have come together to deliver a new project funded by the British Gas Energy Trust. The Trust exists to alleviate the detrimental impact of poverty. Helping people in or at risk of financial hardship meet their energy needs and manage their energy costs through support, education and raising awareness of sound money Management.
Locally it will be delivered by Potteries Money Wise alongside their normal financial capability and energy advice work. The staff will be working within their respective communities and will be helping families to make the most of their income, reduce their debt and feel more confident in managing their finances in the future.
Advisers will help families look at their energy providers and see if they could save money by switching, or being more energy efficient and help them to get grants to improve the warmth of their homes.
We will also carry out benefit checks with families to make sure they are receiving the money that they are entitled to and where needed, families will be referred to our Specialist Debt Team to help them manage any debts they are struggling with.
Referrals can be made using our existing referral contacts or by emailing moneyadvice@casns.org.uk or calling 01782 408625 and leaving a message for a call back within 24 working hours.